Ageing well…
Looking at the bigger picture when caring for you.
Health Assessments
If you are over the age of 75 years and living at home, you are eligible for an annual health assessment. These assessments are bulk billed.
This check benefits you by identifying risk factors for ill-health, including modifiable ones, and aids control of current medical issues. There will be a discussion on an Advanced Care Directive and appointment of a medical treatment decision-maker (formerly Medical Power of Attorney).
Our Practice Nurse will be conducting part of this assessment.
You may also benefit from a referral for a Domiciliary Medication Management Review, which is conducted by your pharmacist. This may be recommended in certain situations such as being on multiple medications or medications which have the potential to be dangerous.
Your local pharmacy, where you usually get your scripts filled at, will review the medications you are currently on. They are a great source of information and provide feedback to your regular doctor on recommendations or concerns on your treatment.
Your GP will review this at a subsequent appointment and discuss any changes that could be made to benefit you.